Four Simple Ways to Revamp Your Office

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There’s nothing worse than working in an office 40 hours a week where the walls are dull, the atmosphere is gloomy and everything is very bland and boring. A few years ago, we decided to liven up our office to ensure our team felt happy and content in their workplace – and we’ve not looked back since.

Here are some of the ideas we implemented to achieve this:

Vibrant Colours

The first thing we did when revamping our office was add some vibrant colours that also incorporated colours from our branding. We purchased green and teal pillows, folders and storage cubes and created our own Ballyhoo mugs. This not only added some vibrancy to our office, but it also added a more personal touch, we made it our own.


To go with these new purchases, we thought it would be a good idea to scatter some plants throughout the office as a symbol that they would grow and flourish with the company.

As well as this, plants will help purify the air in your office as they absorb harmful gases and replace it with fresh oxygen, meaning productivity levels and worker mentality may improve because your team will be breathing in fresher air. We certainly saw a difference.


Adding artwork was an easy way to add some colour to our bland white walls, we decided to create our own artwork by purchasing big frames, brown paper and glitter card, as well as printing a picture of the British Isles. We wanted to create pieces that really fit within our company, that would be nice to look at and would impress those who walked into the room.

Giant Company Logo Stamp

The final step when revamping our office is actually our favourite. We decided to paint our logo on one of the walls in the office, which was harder than you may think.

First, we had to blow up the Ballyhoo logo, ensuring it was not too big or too small, and we then had to print it out and create our own stencils. It is possible to buy vinyl stickers and have companies professionally apply them if you do not want to do this yourselves, but this can be quite costly.

Once we had our stencils ready, it was time to find paint that perfectly matched our branding. This did take a few trial and error samples, but once we found our suited three colours, we began painting. A day or two later our masterpiece was created and it still looks very professional and eye-catching, if we do say so ourselves.

Inspiring Others

Our customisation in the office was not only popular with our team, but also amongst the staff members of the Innovation Centre who loved the idea. In fact, they were so inspired that they decided to redo their paintwork across the building and place inspirational quotes on a number of walls.

Will you be following in our footsteps?

So there you have it, four simple ideas on how you can liven up your office and set the example for your office building. If you do follow any of our ideas, be sure to tweet us at @ballyhooltd or contact us for some more information by clicking on the button below.

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Anthony is Ballyhoo's Managing Director and Web Developer, responsible for building your website and keeping it online.