Ballyhoo Commerce and Ballyhoo Refresh are no longer supported. These systems were built as simple alternatives to overcomplicated e-commerce and content management platforms. However, as WordPress has matured to become more sophisticated, and our clients have expanded to more competitive markets that require enhanced functionality, we have now embraced both WordPress and WooCommerce to create flexible and advanced solutions to help our clients grow and succeed.
In version 1.6 of Ballyhoo Refresh we’ve introduced a Google+ integration and some useful new administration features to help you make the most of your website.
Google+ Button
Social sharing buttons allow visitors to your website to share content with their friends, family and even work colleagues. They also let prospective customers to see how popular you are!
Following our integration of LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter buttons we’ve added Google+ to the mix, enhancing our existing social sharing offering.
Schedule Blog Posts
In this content management system we’ve already given you the ability to amend the published date of your pages to any date in the past.
We’ve improved on this to give you the ability to change the created date of any page to a day in the future too, effectively allowing you to schedule pages to be published.
If you’ve got time-sensitive news or you want to make something available when the office is closed this could be a very handy feature!
More Accurate Analytics Data
Accurate analytics data is really important. You want to see who’s visiting your website, when and through what means but it could be possible that you’re recording your own visits to your website!
To prevent this we have added a new cookie to our system which will only be placed on your device once you have successfully logged in to the admin area of your website. We can then set your analytics account to ignore visits from any device with this cookie.
Click & Drag Image Ordering
Click-and-drag functionality already saves users of Ballyhoo Refresh valuable time when re-arranging menu items.
We’ve now added this functionality to the gallery module allowing you to re-order any images you’ve added to a gallery by using click-and-drag. We hope this will give you further flexibility and control over the content of your website.