How to Setup Your Google Account on Outlook

Google Workspace | |

Google has some of the best collaborative tools available, making Gmail a perfect option for your business emails. However, if you’re used to working with Outlook, you can easily set up your email account to allow you to continue using Gmail in a format that you are comfortable with.

Instructions for Setting Up a Google Account in Outlook

1. Download Google Workspace Sync for Microsoft Outlook, and install on your computer

2. Once downloaded, go to your ‘Start’ menu and search for ‘Set up a Google Workspace Sync user’, and run the tool

3. You’ll be asked to enter your email address and will then be directed back to your browser to login using your Google account details

4. Press ‘Continue’ in the pop-up box, and allow the tool to access your account

5. Once logged in and approved, switch back to the Sync app

6. If you already have an email account in Outlook that you want to move to Google, please contact us for further advice

7. Click ‘Create Profile’

8. Click ‘Start Microsoft Outlook’

9. If this will be your only email account in Outlook, under ‘Profile Name’, click Options

10. Tick ‘Set as default profile’ and untick ‘Prompt for a profile to be used’. This will automatically log you in to your Google account when reopening the Outlook app in future. If you have multiple Outlook accounts, you will want to skip this step for Outlook to ask you which account you wish to access each time it’s started

11. Done! You will see a dialog box informing you that your data is now syncing, which will ensure your emails are up-to-date with your Google account

Google Workspace

Ballyhoo are certified Google Cloud Partners and Google Resellers, meaning we can setup and support your Google Workspace accounts. If you need help with your organisation’s Google Workspace, please contact us now.

Headshot of Rebecca young new team member


Rebecca helps to keep the team organised and supports all of our clients with day to day activities and content. She also runs all of Ballyhoo's internal marketing.