Lorem Ipsum…

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When we create a design concept for your website, in the place of the content of your website you will see paragraphs of what looks like Latin beginning “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit…”.

Designers use this filler text to demonstrate the typography and structure of your website, especially if we do not yet know what the content of your website will be.

While this text looks like Latin, it is in fact a jumble of words, with no real meaning, that has been modified and added to over the years. It is widely accepted that it’s origins lie in Cicero’s text De finibus bonorum et malorum, written in 45BC, which may have first been adapted in the 1500s by typesetters for the same reason we use it today.

There are a number of Lorem Ipsum generators on the web that you can use to create dummy text for your design projects. These often randomise the text to avoid repetition, e.g. where the text wraps at the end of paragraphs, and can provide as many paragraphs or words as you require.

Alison Chaffey


Alison is our Creative Director*. She has worked alongside Anthony to build the business since it was founded in 2009. Her passion is design and UX, and she has a laser eye-for-detail. In other words, she’s a web developer’s worst nightmare.