Ballyhoo would like to announce that our e-commerce software Ballyhoo Commerce will support multiple languages as of Version 1.9.7.
To start the system off translations in Welsh have been added for all of the text that is standard with any installation of our e-commerce software.
This means that you will be able to add products and content to your site in Welsh as well as English, giving your users the flexibility to view your website in their preferred language.
Although Welsh is a minority language, we thought it would be a great addition to the system as so many of our customers are based in Wales.
However, the system is not limited and is capable of supporting any number of languages, for example French, German, Smapnish – some of which may be added as standard to the system in the future.
If you are an existing e-commerce customer and want to use this facility on your website you need only pay for the time it takes us to upgrade your site to Version 1.9.7 (when released).