Google has announced a new Search algorithm update, which will prioritise valuable content that is created for humans as opposed to being created purposely for results page ranking.
Google Search Update
The main reason for this update is to ensure that users are landing on pages with quality content that helps them or solves a problem that they were searching for.
Google wants to ensure that users receive the most relevant results when searching, rather than being directed to sites that are created purely with search rankings in mind. Named ‘the helpful content update’, Google wants to encourage brands to create helpful and high quality content to inform and help users. It will therefore target low quality sites that aim to target search terms in order to appear higher in search rankings, and penalise them by ensuring they rank lower.
What The Update Means For You
If you create helpful, in-depth, original content, then this update shouldn’t affect you – you should continue to focus on creating content with the audience in mind. However, if you often exploit the search engines by using SEO strategies such as keyword stuffing, you will want to re-think. Instead, focus on creating pages and blogs on your website that will help your audience, and have ranking as an afterthought.
Spotlight on Quality Reviews
In addition to this, Google has reviewed their review ranking process which aims to prioritise quality, helpful reviews, making it easier for users to find original reviews online. This is a great time for you to encourage users to leave in-depth reviews on individual products or services. This is a great way to not only build trust with your target audience and encourage them to try your products for themselves, but also may help with your ranking in Google.
Quality content is essential to build a connection with your audience, and to build trust and loyalty to appear as an expert in your industry. If you’re struggling with adding content to your website, or don’t have the time to do so, our content creation services allow us to create high quality SEO friendly content for your website pages, as well as blog posts, articles and email marketing. For more info, contact us today to speak to our friendly team.