In the fifth installment of our Ballyhoo Glossary series, we explore all website and marketing jargon beginning with the letter E.
Here at Ballyhoo, we like to sometimes be a little eccentric. We like to propose outside of the box ideas – that will light up your eyes when we present them. Our innovative ideas make us stand out from the crowd.
Ecologi helps people and businesses to help fight climate change, allowing members to plants trees and fund the world’s best carbon offsetting solutions.
We have been proud members of Ecologi since 2022, planting trees, reducing our carbon, and funding projects around the world.
E-commerce is the buying and selling of products or services via the internet. Sales require the transfer of money and data to complete the transactions, and E-commerce websites facilitate these transactions to allow users from around the world to make purchases.
EcoSend is an email marketing platform who are on a mission to eliminate the carbon footprint of email marketing. They automatically offset the carbon of emails sent through the platform, using renewable energy and offering users a climate friendly email marketing solution.
We are proud users of Ecosend for Ballyhoo’s own email marketing, and also set up and manage a number of our clients on the platform, including Sustainabrum.
Did you know that email was first invented in 1971? It stands for Electronic Mail, and is the exchanging of messages between users via electronic devices. Emails can be sent and received by anyone that has an email address, and these messages can contain text, images, files, links and attachments.
Embedding is when you place third-party content on your website, rather than linking to it. Integrating links, images, videos and other content means that website visitors will not need to leave your site in order to consume content – encouraging them to stay and engage with your content.
We know how important the environment is, and that’s why we believe in doing our bit to help save it. We are a paperless company, and always encourage our team to walk or cycle to work where possible – to help cut down on emissions. We are continuously learning new ways to help the environment.
Equal Opportunities
We support diversity in the workplace, both to meet the requirements of law but on an ethical basis. When hiring, we base our decisions on skills, experience and creativity – regardless of race, gender, marital status, disabilities, sexuality or religious beliefs.
We believe in fairness in the workplace for all employees – which is why we pride ourselves in treating our staff with respect and giving them equal opportunities, and encouraging a safe working environment.
We like ideas here at Ballyhoo – and the bigger the better. When we get these big ideas, we usually have a Eurika! Moment – where everything just seems to piece together. Almost like a jigsaw!
Eurofyre is a global supplier of specialist fire detection and associated safety products. We have worked with them for nearly a decade, refreshing and updating their website over this time, and ensuring that it is up to speed with modern trends, tools and techniques.
We pride ourselves on our excellent work and results, including our outstanding customer service. We thrive to deliver above and beyond for every project we undertake, and like to exceed expectations. Don’t believe us? Read our reviews to see just how excellent we really are.
Since we were founded in 2009, we’ve always strived to solve problems and create successful websites – which we do so by drawing on our years of experience. Combined, the team has over 50 years of experience in the industry. That’s a lot!
Internet Explorer was a free web browser, developed by Microsoft in 1995. Commonly called IE or MSIE, it allowed users to view web pages on the internet. Old versions of the browser had bad reputations for security vulnerabilities, and in general IE had a slow rate of support for new web design techniques. Windows now uses Microsoft Edge as default – which is a more stable and faster browser – but you’d be surprised how many people still access the internet using Explorer!
Did we miss any words? We can’t believe that we’ve already done 5 of the letters of the alphabet – let us know if you’re enjoying the series by popping us a quick message over on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook!